Thursday, July 7, 2011

First Visitor

Betsy came to visit. She is already home and today she sent pictures of her visit. Today I ran.

Bill and I very much enjoyed her visiting. We go to go to fun places (I took the week off) lay in the sand and be a tourist. Her trip inspired me to take more advantage of this paradise I live to self, the places I want to see again or things I want to do again:
  1. Snorkel more
  2. Swim without touching more
  3. take the kayak out
  4. walk to Hadwick beach
  5. Sit on the lanai and have a cocktail
  6. Enjoy Bill making breakfast and even putting on the salt and pepper!
There are lots more, but those are the things that come to mind first.

We loved having Betsy visit and used it as an opportunity to get things done at the house. I already have a list of 10 things that I want to do before our next guests...Lindsey and Jacob. It's really 11 because Bill said getting a new roof was a done deal, but I put it on the list anyway.

Love you Betsy!

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