Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A Penny from Daddy

It started because I wanted something.  A crock pot.  We didn't think we would use ours here, so we left it (either put it in storage or sold it at the yard sale, I have no idea).

I occasionally take our saved change to the Green Coin Star and get an Amazon gift card, I know, I feel ghetto doing it, but I have to do something with all that change Bill leaves on the dresser.

So on Saturday, I drag Bill with me to Foodland, and dump my coins in the slot.  Have you ever used one of these, its a coin counter ...  super loud.  Any way the coins clink their way down and the screen shows a tally.  (btw I guesstimated $38.00 and Bill guessed $50.00...we got $50.06).  If you get a gift certificate, there is no charge, but if you select cash money (you know to buy cigarettes and booze) the machine takes 8%.

Sometimes a coin is defective so it goes in the reject slot.  I always try these coins a second time and usually they make it through the second time.  So, while standing there in front of the green machine, I empty the reject slot maybe twice.  We got our total, but then noticed a lone penny sitting in the reject slot.  I put it in the hopper again.  It slowly, noisily made its way back to the reject slot.  Again I put it in the hopper, and then it hit me!  Wait!   I listened, and clink out into the reject slot a final time.

A message from Grandmom.  I turn the penny over, a wheat penny.  Nope, Daddy saying Hello!

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